In all facets of our business, we strive for the highest possible quality. This starts with our advice and services; that is why we work with an extensive team that has extensive experience in everything involved in the realisation of locker design.
So we have a project consultant, project manager, a design studio with a team of interior designers, skilled fitters and more in-house. This allows us to keep a grip on the entire process, including transport to and assembly at your site, and to optimise quality throughout the process.
From the Fair Furniture Group, we are also supported by our sister companies, for example with the high-quality furniture used for the Seat, Meet & Storage concept. In addition, we cooperate with leading partners in the field of locking systems, sublimation and other products and services that support our services. This ensures a quality solution for all storage needs.
Of course, our robust lockers themselves are also characterised by high quality and a long service life. This allows us to offer a suitable storage solution for all rooms and situations, even when used intensively.